“Arts Education makes a tremendous impact on the developmental growth of every child and has proven to help level the "learning field" across socio-economic boundaries.”
- James S. Catterall, Involvement in the Arts and Success in Secondary School
The Youth in the Arts Initiative began in 2003 in response to the Trustees’ interest in arts organizations that benefit youth from disadvantaged circumstances. The Initiative is shaped by national research and local experience indicating the positive impact that high-quality youth arts programs have on self-esteem and academic performance. The goal of the Initiative is to support the growth and development of youth as artists, as individuals, and as participants in their communities.
Project grants are awarded to after-school programs featuring dance, theater, film, literary, visual or multi-disciplinary skills. Projects must offer high quality art experiences with a focus on both artistic skill development and goals for personal growth.
In 2006 the Foundation expanded the availability of funding to include capacity building grants as well as project grants. Capacity building grants are awarded to strengthen the abilities of organizations to develop, enhance or expand quality after-school art programs. These grants support efforts such as staff development, fundraising, strategic planning, marketing and public relations. During the initial grant cycle in 2004, the Foundation awarded ten project grants totaling $154,500. In 2008, the fourth grant cycle, the Foundation awarded 25 grants totaling $527,000.